This information is provided to you as a shipper of household goods and is being furnished by the public mover pursuant to a requirement of the New Jersey State Board of Public Movers and Warehouseman. It relates to the transportation of household goods in intrastate commerce by licensed public movers.
You should be sure to obtain the complete and correct name, business address, license number, and telephone number of the public mover who is to transport your shipment and keep that public mover informed as to how and where you may be reached at all times until the shipment is delivered.
Before completing arrangements for a move, there are several factors that should be considered carefully by you. Most importantly, be sure that the public mover you select is licensed by the state of New Jersey! You may contact the New Jersey Board of Public Movers and Warehouseman to determine if a mover is licensed and in good standing with them.
Telephone estimates are not permitted and the mover must make a visual survey of your goods before an estimate is prepared. Any licensed mover in the state of New Jersey must come out to your location and give a written estimate. Furthermore, you must be given a copy of this estimate.
To get a reasonable and accurate estimate, you must show the estimator everything you intend to ship. An estimate is not a bid or a contract, and choosing the public mover submitting the lowest estimate will not secure you the lowest cost of moving.
Regardless of any estimate, the actual weight of your goods and the amount of packing or other accessorial services performed by the public mover or the actual time involved will determine the final amount you must pay for your move. Some movers charge additional fees, such as "travel time." Be sure to ask for all additional costs when you are given an estimate for your move.
Get all the facts before you relocate by contacting our commercial and residential movers in Hoboken, New Jersey.